
Employment and Community

At Toyola Energy, we believe in the power of community and the potential of our people. As an indigenous African company, we remain committed to local sourcing and providing employment opportunities to the people in our communities.

Toyola Energy

we are not just building a company

We take pride in utilizing locally sourced materials in the manufacturing of our improved cookstoves. This practice not only promotes sustainability but also contributes to the local economy by supporting local businesses and suppliers. Each cookstove carries the spirit of our land, our people, and our shared commitment to sustainability.

Our commitment to local growth extends to our employment practices. We provide job opportunities to the community, thereby stimulating economic growth and creating a ripple effect of prosperity. Our sales agents, most of whom are women from the communities we serve, are the heart and soul of our company. They bring our products to the doorstep of our customers, ensuring accessibility and fostering a sense of shared ownership.


Women like Patience Yevu, a sales agent from Accra Ghana, exemplify our mission. Patience not only earns a living by selling our cookstoves but also plays a critical role in educating her community about the benefits of sustainable cooking solutions. Her work has elevated her status within the community, showcasing the transformative power of employment on women’s lives.


Our model of employing community-based women as sales agents does more than just create jobs. It empowers women, promotes gender equality, and uplifts entire communities. It serves as a testament to what we stand for a greener environment, healthier households, financially secure futures, and empowered communities.


At Toyola Energy, we are not just building a company; we are shaping an ecosystem where everyone wins  the environment, our customers, our employees, and our communities. Join us as we continue to create opportunities, ignite change, and build a more sustainable future for West Africa.